JUDICIARY Latest Features

ECCMIS Needs Assessment Exercise Kicks Off
(L-R) Hon. Katureebe(CJ), Dr. Hovanesian (President, Synery) and Mr. Bigirimana(PSSJ)

The journey to automate court processes has begun.

The President of Synergy International Systems, Dr. Ashot Hovanesian, revealed this on Thursday(November 7, 2019) morning when he paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Hon.Justice Bart M. Katureebe, in his chambers at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala.

Dr Hovanesian briefed the Chief Justice that a two-week needs assessment phase for the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) had kicked off in selected stations.

A three-member team composed of systems and business Analysts from the Synergy International Systems is expected in the country to start the Needs Assessment Exercise.

The members of the ECCMIS Steering will join it and Technical Committees across a number of Court Stations in collecting user needs to inform the development process of the ECCMIS.

During visit,the CJ said that the project is safe with both the Synergy team and the Judiciary team. He added that the incoming Chief Justice should be able to buy into the idea of ECCMIS.

The electronics management system will make access to justice easier with automated processes.

On the same day, the PS/SJ, Mr Pius Bigirimana, together with the Dr. Ashot Hovanesian met with different stakeholders of JLOS and the ECCMIS Technical Committee fora presentation on the progress of installing ECCMIS in the Judiciary.

The PS/SJ said until May 2020, a number of phased activities would be carried out."For now assessment and system design is in progress and hopefully in May 2020 the system will be rolled out in 19 courts and will continue to roll out in other courts in the country."

In Dr. Hovanesian's presentation, he showed how the system will be integrated and how it will work interagency in all the JLOS sectors.

He outlined the key successes of the system such as country ownership, interagency co-operation, proactive business process re engineering, among others.

Some of the achievements highlighted include easier access to justice that is 100%filing and 26% filing increase, faster case processing, and reduced backlog in courts among others.

The system will enable monitoring of staff performance, progress against targets and progress of Judiciary strategic plans.

In addition, the PS/SJ said the earlier Judiciary is sensitized about the system,the earlier it will appreciate the system. Adding that there will be media and community awareness to sensitize the public about the innovation.

Posted 8th, November 2019
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